Iglesia Triunfante, A.D.
Tel. 575-491-4544
Alamogordo, NM 88310
InicioHalloweenSalvación¿Violencia Doméstica?Sanidad InteriorProblemas del HogarNavidad
VlogPodcast Mp3

Cayado del Pastor
Puentes Para la Paz
Melodía Navidad
Escatología en Tiempo Real
7th & Virginia
i Tunes Store
DOMINGOS: 10:15 a.m.
MIERCOLES: 7:00 p.m.
A unique ministry to first-generation Hispanics since 1994.
NO Alternative Halloween Celebrations - NO Easter Bunny Egg Hunting Celebrations
NO Gospel Cancel Culture - No CRT Ideologies - No Transgender Assimilation
Submission to wokeness IS NOT biblical - House of God is not under public domain
We believe in the rule of Law and Order --and a Nation with established boundary borders
We will challenge ideological interpretations and/or A.I. against Scriptural text - So helps us God!!
***We still love you, you don't have to quit cold turkey God will help you overcome ***
General Council Affiliated Church
Iglesia Triunfante ® has an ongoing ministerial services contract with TM-LLC ® a New Mexico company and in compliance with the State Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1978, and her parent organization the Assemblies of God. You may request additional information at carlosdavila@carlosdavila.org
We report for God...you decide for yourself